Table of contents
No headings in the article.
TypeScript is a strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript, giving you better tooling at any scale.
What we will learn today.
What is typescript?
How does Typescript code run?
Typescript Compiler?
Basics Types in Typescript?
tsconfig.json file?
interface in typescript?
Use typescript in Typescript in React App
Use function as input in function in Typescript?
What is typescript?
๐กTypescript is a programming language Developed and maintained by Microsoft. It Does the static type checking.How does Typescript code run?
๐กFirst of all Typescript code never runs in Browser. Typescript compiler converts typescript code into Javascript. Because Browser only understands javascript.Typescript Compiler?
a. Here Typescript compiler like [ esbuild, swc ] converts Typescript code into javascript code.
Basics Types in Typescript?
Basics Typescript are number
, null
// number
function sum(num1: number, num2:number):number {
return num1+num2
const result = sum(4,5)
console.log(result) => 9
// string
function greet(message:string):string{
console.log("Welcome To Typescript")
// or return some string
return "Typescript"
Output => Welcome To Typescript
Output => Typescript
// boolean
function isLegal(user:number): Boolean {
if(user < 18){
return false
return true
isLegal(12) => false
isLegal(20) => true
tsconfig.json file?
file has a bunch of options that you can change to change the compilation process.๐กtarget : specifies the ECMAScript target the version๐กrootDir: Where should the compiler look for the.ts
File๐กoutDir: Where should the compiler throw the.js
File๐กremoveComments: Removes the all comments from js file, Enable it to Trueinterface in typescript?
Interfaces are used for adding types to objects.
interface User{ title:string; description:string; createdAt:string, updatedAt:string; status:boolean; }
Now use Typescript in React App
STEPS: 1. npm create vite@latest 2. project-name:todoApp 3. Choose: React 4. Choose: Typescript optional: install Typescript in your react App npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer // this command will generate a tailwind.config.js File npx tailwindcss init -p // change the content to content: [ "./index.html", "./src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}", ], // Now runt the command npm run dev
Use typescript in Typescript in React App
import React from 'react' // creates a components Folder in src Directory // src > components > TodoTile.tsx interface TodoProp { title: string; description: string; createdAt: string; updatedAt: string; status: boolean; } // passing the props types AS interface function TodoTile(todo: TodoProp) { return ( <div className='bg-slate-750 text-center pt-20 w-[25%] h-[50%]'> <div className='p-5 border-2 inline-block text-white bg-slate-800'> <h2> {todo.title}</h2> <h3> {todo.description}</h3> <h3> {todo.createdAt}</h3> <h3> {todo.updatedAt}</h3> <h3> {todo.status}</h3> </div> </div> ); } export default TodoTile
Use this component TodoTile.tsx file in App.tsx
import './App.css'
// import the component file App.tsx
import TodoTile from './components/TodoTile'
function App() {
return (
<div className='h-screen flex justify-center items-center bg-slate-900'>
title='Go to gym'
description='Hpw the Josh Sir'
export default App
// taking fn as parameter and returing void
function runinonesec(fn: () => void) {
setTimeout(fn, 1000);
// caloing the runinonesec()
runinonesec(function() {
console.log("hi there");